The Medieval Mdina Festival will be organised again this year for the fifth consecutive year in the streets of Mdina. The next festival will be held between the 18th and 19th April 2015. During this two day event there will be re-enactments by foreign and local groups, Medieval Music, Sbandieratori , Illusionist, Jester, Falconry and birds of prey, Lectures, Concerts, food & drinks, Medieval Market, Medieval Kitchen and Children’s Area.
The popularity of this Festival is evident from the number of visitors we had in previous years. The request from a good number of foreigners and Travel Agents proves that this festival is now popular as well with foreign enthusiasts. Some Tour Operators as well advertise the Festival in their brochures.
During the Festival the participants will perform all day long in various corners and squares of Mdina. Including battles, skirmishes, re-enactments of scenes from the Medieval Period, like the Town Crier, a Slave Market, a re-enactment of a Medieval Kitchen, Sword Fighting, Archery, Medieval Tavern, Magic Shows, Live Music, Birds of Prey flights, Parades, Flag Throwing shows, and spontaneous re-enactments.
The festival serves as well as a cultural exchange between local talents and foreign groups, disseminating the cultural heritage of the Medieval Times. It is as well a good educational exercise to teach both children and adults the history of our City.
During the festival all the Tourist Attractions extend their opening hours and offer special reduced prices.
Food and drinks will not be missing in the Festival and a good number of outlets offer medieval food in their menus during those days.
The Mdina Local Council, being the smallest Local Council on the island, needs a lot of support to organize such a big event, and this support comes in many forms. The support of a number of Government Departments, residents, and a valid contribution is given by the Business Community, especially the SMEs that are present in Mdina. The support is given not only in form of advertising, but also with direct participation with stands exhibiting their products, and directly involved in exchanges with similar entities from abroad. This gives the festival another dimension, that of a promoter for exchange of ideas amongst other business communities.
The Festival is above all a 2 days of mighty fun for everyone.
тагове: средновековен, фестивал, Медина